Saturday, December 22, 2012

24 Days and OUT!

Karmanos 8th Floor Hall 0239, originally uploaded by Buck Cash.

So, after spending the past 24 days in a hospital bed on the 8th floor at Karmanos getting chemo and my stem cell transplant, I'm OUT, and boy am I GLAD!!!

That's just TOO TOO LONG! LOL!

It's all left me pretty nauseous, mostly because the chemo has mucked up my senses of smell and taste, so nothing's quite right in the food department. The bland hospital food was especially bad, and I mostly stuck to sweets like Jello and pudding and ice cream, while they fed me nutrients via IV drip.

First thing yesterday when I got home to Aunt Aggie's, mom fixed me up some good old fashioned and simple mac and tomatoes, and it was delicious and stayed down just fine. Later, I had coffee and cinnamon toast with butter, and it was good too. With each passing hour away from the IV drip and hospital, I feel like my taste is getting back to normal, even if I am pretty sick to my stomach.

I'm about ready for a pizza with everything! LOL!

The photo is a shot of the hallway just outside my room at Karmanos. Walking that hallway in a circle 16 times = 1 mile, and I tried to do at least half that much every day, so this got to be a pretty familiar sight to me.

I'll update again when I'm feeling better, stomach-wise. Till then, I'm just glad to be out amongst the living again!


At December 24, 2012 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are out and feeling better.
George (UK)

At January 06, 2013 1:42 PM, Anonymous Deb Burns said...

Fabulous damn picture .........
I mean c'mon, it's a hallway at the hospital!! But the clarity is just phenominal.
Glad your home Buck!

Off to try to figure out my two words to prove I'm not a 'bot' ... LoL


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