Monday, June 08, 2009

Strengthen the clean energy bill

Water Drop 5828, originally uploaded by Buck Cash.

Powerful oil and coal interests have had a stranglehold on our energy policy, demanding loopholes, bailouts, and giveaways from taxpayers. They've won concessions in the energy bill to preserve their profits and weaken the bill's ability to deliver on the full promise of clean energy jobs.

But now, progressives are coming together to push back. MoveOn has joined with groups across the progressive movement, from the Sierra Club to ACORN to Oxfam to Rock the Vote, to tell Congress to stand strong against the special interests that seek to weaken the clean energy bill at every turn.

We can strengthen and improve this bill, if progressive leaders in Congress will join our fight. Can you sign MoveOn's petition to Congress?

I want clean energy and I want the jobs that go with it available to myself and my fellow Americans. Join in by signing the petition here: